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Future Planning for Growth.

Businesses even the successful ones are compelled to reinvent themselves from time to time as they run out of room to grow. The ability to rejuvenate is what separates high performers from those whose time at success is brief. Once a business / company runs up against a major stall in its growth, it has less than 10% chance of ever fully recovering (Matthew S. Olson and Derek van Bever, 2009). 

Most of the time, businesses fail to reinvent themselves because they wait too long, not because they are bad at fixing things. So don’t wait. Join our Future Planning sessions, a speed-dating version of growth planning which takes hours/days rather than months. Through these sessions we help our clients to restore the energy and connection they had with their customers in those early successful days. 

We are constantly being reminded that businesses cannot afford to produce the same products and services year in, year out because customers needs and expectations are constantly changing and the competitors are reacting with new options. From discussions with CEOs, I sense most already know the changes that need to be made, but are these radical enough and even if they are, they may never come to fruition. 

Success in the future actually demands the same level of curiosity you had when you started this job or set up this company. How can you recreate this fresh thinking and the passion of the entrepreneur in you? How can you relive the achievement of getting the first customer or project? 

Take some time out with your team and do some deliberate thinking about what you would do if you were starting again tomorrow. It is vital for you to step away from the current business when doing this start up thinking. The current business requires strong management and operations, new businesses needs new visions and ambition to deliver something new and better to your customers. 

You’d agree it is the most exciting job for a CEO or top team, getting to start again on a blank sheet of paper and then with the help of your really talented resources, make it happen. Your new business may need different resources and it may need a different business model to succeed. Anything is possible when there are no restrictions, no barriers to consider or no current way of doing things. 

Future planning workshops help you to imagine the future, scope it, plan it and then sense check it’s value with customers before you have to raid the treasure chest and spend large sums of hard earned money. Having a separate “yellow hat” day for future planning does not impinge on the current business and so that show stays on the road. 

Could we persuade you to take a Idea Generation day to explore the potentials and generate some ideas on creating new value for customers and moving into the next chapter of your business life? The result will be a series of promising projects that teams can explore further and even present back in a “dragon’s den” style session to prioritise which is worth investing in. 

We guarantee you will refresh your team’s energy and commitment, you will refresh your value to your customer but most important, you will refresh your own entrepreneurial flair by creating a new vision for the company. You bring your team and your thoughts and we will capture, sort and sift through them with you and give you clear insights and definitive new opportunities.